Sunday, February 10, 2008

Circling the right answer...

Multiple choice style.

We are constantly making decisions, every day, every hour almost every minute... Decisions as we know come in many different forms: some are simple and straight forward, others are more complex and take time..

What I want to focus on right now is those decisions directly involving somebody else where you have conflicting feelings, where you are ambivalent, where somebody is telling you one thing and you want to go ahead and do it but then you are having second thoughts and reservations because you get this other sense that maybe you shouldn't, and it puts you in a position where you don't know what to do??

How many times have you made a decision and then kicked yourself saying... I KNEW I shouldn't have done that, or I WISH I would have went the other way or tried this instead, or listened to myself or whatever...??
It's happened to you before, right? It happens to everybody allllllll the time!

So what's going on???
What part of yourself do you listen to? How do you make a solid decision you're happy with more frequently...?

Let's break this down...

Most of the time when you find yourself in this kind of position with conflicting feelings you have one choice which comes from what somebody is verbally telling you, what they are saying to you to try and influence and persuade you. Then on another hand you'll get this "gut feeling" which is something you don't really understand or know why you are getting it but you just know its there and its telling you to do something.

To understand where you get that "gut feeling" from you want to understand
Communication has been estimated to be 7% verbal and 93% non verbal.

So when processing a decision and being logical you will usually only pay attention to the 7%, that is what the other person is saying to you, how it sounds, how it makes you feel, the possibilities, etc.

What the gut feeling does is interpret the 93% non verbal signs when communicating and form a decision from that.

So for example it will take into consideration how another person is acting, that is: their tone, how fast they are speaking, what they are doing with their hands, their eyes, etc.
Our gut feelings has the amazing capacity of being able to interpret all these non verbal cues and give us a decision based on that.

So when you get this "gut feeling" realize that it is trying to tell you something, realize that it is basing a decision with 93% of the communication equation vs. just the 7% you have to base a decision on when just listening to a verbal message.

For me it all comes back to the multiple choice tests... I always remember being told to circle the answer that comes up first, and to NEVER change your answer..
Same idea with circling a decision you might have in life.. If you get that gut feeling


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can honestly say that I have never felt regret after any decisions. I am not cocky or overly in love with my choices, I simply never feel "i wish i knew, wish i chose differently". This is because I have complete believe in FATE. I truly believe that we all have a predestined path to follow. When I make decisions i generally dont make them hastily. I call up a trusted friend who I know won't have a bias on the subject or I speak directly to the parties involved in the decision. I try and sleep on it and never forget to trust my inner sense. I have made correct / good decisions for myself even when people around me didnt believe I was in a state of mind to decide for myself. I have trust even when no one else does. Do you watch LOST? That show has excited me because they believe the same thing about fate as I do. It's all laid out already, there's nothing you can do but enjoy the ride and trust that you are doing what is right.