Monday, May 12, 2008

Break it down, Bite size style.

Have you ever started something and not finished it?

Have you ever turned down taking on a huge project because it seemed like "too much" or too daunting at the time?

why is that?

You've probably heard before that Rome wasn't built in a day?

What's that mean?
How you can you apply this to your own life?

Think about every highly successful person you know... Does it seems like they have an amazing ability to complete multiple projects and make it seem easy?

Maybe they managed to get straight A's in school, while playing on a sports team, while still having time to hang out with friends, etc. Or maybe they are a successful business owner who has real estate investments on the side, who also volunteers in their community in addition to maintaining a family at home.

What's their secret?! How do they do accomplish all this??!! while making it seem easy!!!
This is how they do it: eat lots and lots of Dibs.

Small chuck it. Make things easy for yourself. Set yourself up for SUCCESS not failure or disappointment.

If you wanted to be a lawyer and before you went to university I told you, that in order for you to become a lawyer it was going to be crazy hard you would have to take 4 grueling years of undergrad and have a 4.0 GPA, then you had to do your LSATs and get all these reference letters from professors and other people and then get accepted into law school, then you had to do it all over again, Study hardcore for another few years, and finally get an articling position, and once you completed that and graduated with your law degree maybe you'd find a position as a lawyer....

Who is going to sign up for that? really? and even if you did after the first year if you looked at it that way you would probably just see miles and miles of work ahead, get discouraged easier and then be more likely to quit.

Break it down, whatever you want to do or be into small manageable tasks which you can achieve and then reward yourself for CONSTANTLY. Make it easy for yourself.
Break things down as much as you can and and approach it that way.

What we are trying to do by small chunking is Convincing our minds that whatever task is in front of us we CAN achieve it. Once our mind believes that it will go ahead and help us out, if not and your mind interprets whatever you are doing as some insurmountable feat that's when you will get discouraged and get those feelings like you would rather quit then continue on.

make it EZ


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