Thursday, March 6, 2008

What if?

You knew you were going to die in a week?

You knew you were going to get in an accident and not have use of your legs again? you would never be able to work out the same in the gym again, you would not be able to stand front row at a concert and jump up and down, you would not be able to get up in the morning by yourself, if you spent your days in the doctors office rehabilitating

Your best friend was getting transfered across the world and you would not see them for another 5 years? and you couldn't hang out with them anymore, you couldn't play sports together anymore, you couldn't go shopping or traveling together anymore all the things you like doing together you can't do anymore?

You got hit in the eye and suddenly were blind? you couldn't see your lovers face ever again, your job as you know it would be totally different if you could even keep doing it, you would never see the ocean, the sun, the trees, your mom's face again you couldn't see pictures.

We live like these things will never happen....
and you don't know what it would be like until it does happens. So
Stop and feel one of these scenarios right now.

Close your eyes for a minute and go outside and walk around.
FEEL what it would be like to not have vision. Keep your eyes closed for 5 whole minutes.
I bet you can't.
ask yourself how it feels, what does it change? FEEL IT, experience it

how would you be living TODAY, what would today mean to you if you knew one of these would come true? how much more would you VALUE today, and what you can do, your friendships, your relationships, the things you do for fun?

you lived with this much emphasis, excitement and gratitude everyday....?

would you smile a little more?
push a little harder in the gym?
try a few new things you have been putting off....


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