Friday, January 18, 2008

It's all been done before...

American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This blog (blŏg) Pronunciation Key
n. A weblog.

intr.v. blogged, blog·ging, blogs
To write entries in, add material to, or maintain a weblog.

Blogs are just GLORIOUS.
I realized now that I've finished university I won't have the opportunity to write much... sooooo to keep up my English skills in 2008 I'm going to start blogging once a week.

So here it is: Call it the season opener;
The GRAND start of my blog.
I don't know what I'm going to post from week to week so you'll have to read to find out... :)

I do know that this is goign to be an incredible year and so I want anybody reading my blog to learn a few things from the experiences I share and the ideas I post. To help you come up with some fresh new ideas for you're own life to make it better, bigger, more exciting and just more fun!
That's my goal,
So if you aren't into that stuff you probably won't get much value from my blog or find it very interesting....

If you are here is the first post

all been done before"

I didn't just wake up one day and come up with this brilliant idea of starting a blog...
I actually currently read a few other blogs on the internet and love it... I look forward to reading them every week.
So I thought, hey that's a cool idea, I should start doing that.

So I went online, created an account, wrote a post, done.

Stop trying to reinvent the wheel as they say.... Look around you right now, look at the people you want to be like, look at what they have and the things that you want.

What are they doing to get it? how are they doing it? If they have great ideas or things you want in you're own life ask them about it. ask how they did it, what they would suggest and use that as a template for yourself !

Don't make things hard on yourself by trying to become a genius new inventor



Its all been done before, look for people who have done it, and model them. Make it simple

That's it for now... more next week!


P.s If you have any comments POST them!


Ashley said...

You really think that? Do you really think that emulating another’s success will in time make you successful? Perhaps there is some truth to that, but what about creating one’s own successes?

I am not saying that you should go into everything blind, one needs to do his/her research, but don't you think that even the people that have "done it before" think, Hey, this worked out, but it would have worked out much better had I only done yada yada yada…


MEL said...

with anything I believe you should ALWAYS be yourself, and that means having your own goals, you're own values for reasons that are important to YOU.

It's true, you do have to create your own successes because nobody is going to hand them to you on a gold platter with diamonds on top.

I think there is a lot of value in Modeling if you see it as one of MANY excellent ways to generate ideas,new ways of thinking and simplifying and not the ONLY way...
just because something worked for somebody else is NO guarantee it is going to work for you.


Jboyd said...

Like Breads Like....
Perhaps surrpunding yourself with people that have the trates you want will help you attain them...

so far so good on the blog man.. keep it up!!! KATA

Unknown said...